Unbelievable? Proof of the afterlife? John Burke and Dr Eben Alexander MD hosted by Billy Hallowell


Everyone from Madonna to top neuroscientists and millions of other people around the world report personal, unforgettable near-death experiences or NDEs.  Do these NDE accounts prove the existence of a loving God?  This week on Unbelievable? Pastor and author John Burke, who has studied and examined over 1,000 accounts of near-death experiences, explains these reports provide faith-building evidence of God and the Bible. 

Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander joins the debate pushing back on Burke’s assertion theses NDEs corroborate the Bible. He always considered himself a man of science. His unwavering belief in evidence-based medicine fuelled a career in the top medical institutions of the world. But then a very vivid NDE that he writes about it in his riveting book ”Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” changed his life forever. His NDE followed being pronounced ‘clinically dead’ after falling into a coma with bacterial meningitis. He moved from being a strict physicalist to being some form of dualist and talks with experience of a life beyond death. But he still would not describe himself as a Christian.  

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