All Apologetics articles
Is God Dead? The intersection of Nietzsche’s nihilism and the limits for pursuing justice
Apologist Adam Coleman considers a famous exchange between two great abolitionists, and the meaning and purpose that God gives us
A God that Cannot Not Exist? The Ontological Argument
Author Joel Furches explores one of the least understood and most overlooked rational arguments for God, and addresses its objections
Do Christian believers in evolution miss the most important arguments?
Erik Strandness reflects on a debate between a Christian evolutionist and an atheist, and wishes some more intelligent designs were acknowledged
The deceptive simplicity of William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument
Philosophical reflection on infinity leads to inevitable conclusions about the nature of reality and the existence of a powerful personal creator
Dawkins the Apologist
Erik Strandness shares his reflections on the failures of ‘New Atheism’ and how the movement inspired many to return to the faith
The richer meaning within a Christian vision for the future
Erik Strandness argues that the flaws of a materialistic, secular worldview do not offer hope or meaning when compared to theism
The CS Lewis Podcast #191 New Atheism, Sigmund Freud and Narnia: Does CS Lewis still matter?
Is CS Lewis relevant today? Can he speak to a post-Christian culture? We hear from Meg Thomson, producer of Freud’s Last Session, a film starring Anthony Hopkins as Sigmund Freud and Matthew Goode as CS Lewis, Dr Jem Bloomfield, an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham and author of Paths in the Snow and Justin Brierley, author of The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God.
Divine Humility: The Astonishing Reality of God’s Arrival in a Manger
Erik Strandness delves into the profound humility of the Christmas story, exploring how the birth of Christ in a manger challenges our expectations of divinity and invites us to encounter God in an entirely new way
Was the Universe designed for us?
Two teleological arguments for God summarised and explained
God vs Science Debate with Peter Atkins and Keith Fox
Ruth Jackson returned to school to host this lively debate between Peter Atkins, renowned atheist and scientist, and Keith Fox, Christian biologist and theologian. In front of a live young audience, they explore one of the most profound questions: Is religion, just wishful thinking? Atkins and Fox tackle the big questions at the intersection of science, faith, and ethics, including: Are we just matter? Can science explain everything, or are there questions beyond its scope? Will further advancements in technology—like space exploration, genetic modification, and AI override any need or belief in God? From the accusation of “playing God” in genetic engineering to the nature of consciousness in artificial intelligence, this conversation challenges assumptions about what it means to be human and the role of faith in a scientific world.
#235 The New Testament in its World with special guest and co-author Mike Bird (Classic)
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
Is the Old Testament Story of Israel Historically Reliable?
Verifying every fact in the OT using archaeological evidence is not possible, but there is good justification for certain key aspects of ancient Israel’s story
The CS Lewis Podcast #184 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Are Lewis’ arguments flawed?
In the second part of Dan Barker and Dr Carolyn Weber’s discussion about CS Lewis’ relevance, Dan points out some of the holes he perceives in Lewis’ beliefs. On the opposite side of the debate, Carolyn shares how she became a Christian, highlighting elements of her story that echo Lewis’ own and looking at how Lewis’ writing greatly influenced her decision.
The Divine Debate: Is Morality Rooted in God? Atheist Stephen Law vs Matthew Su hosted by Ruth Jackson
Is faith necessary for a moral life? Is belief in God essential for a meaningful moral framework, or can secular philosophy provide all the answers? This week on Unbelievable?, host Ruth Jackson welcomes two dynamic thinkers to explore the profound debate of God’s role in our moral universe.
The CS Lewis Podcast #183 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Is CS Lewis still relevant?
On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 61 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant? We hear from former pastor-turned atheist, Dan Barker, who suggests that many of Lewis’ arguments are fundamentally flawed. Literature professor, Dr Carolyn Weber, highlights where she disagrees with Dan and shares some of her story about coming to faith at Oxford University, in part through CS Lewis.
Who are the Black Hebrew Israelites and how do their beliefs differ from mainstream Christianity?
Groups with this title may have risen to fame due to negative publicity – but they share things in common with other non-Christian religions
Christopher Hitchens was a ‘heretic’ of the New Atheist cause
Contrary to perception and to the opinions of many of his fellow atheists, the late writer perceived aspects of religion to be positive and did not want it to be eradicated – just sidelined
The morality of the Old Testament God is justified by his holiness
Apologist Joel Furches argues that the accusations of ‘immorality’ against the Old Testament deity are resolved by his purity, and the solution that is offered through Jesus Christ
The CS Lewis Podcast #181 Curtis White: What did TS Eliot and Lewis think of each other?
Dr Curtis White’s PhD focuses on the relationship, work and theology of CS Lewis and TS Eliot. Here, he highlights some of his thoughts on this topic as well as sharing how Lewis was integral to his own faith journey. White also talks about the upcoming CS Lewis Symposium in Belfast, which John Brown University is providing financial support for.
The Great Morality Debate: Secularism vs. Christianity with Dr Michael Shermer and Rev. Glen Scrivener
This week on Premier Unbelievable?, we tackle one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy: