All History articles
Is God Dead? The intersection of Nietzsche’s nihilism and the limits for pursuing justice
Apologist Adam Coleman considers a famous exchange between two great abolitionists, and the meaning and purpose that God gives us
Divine Humility: The Astonishing Reality of God’s Arrival in a Manger
Erik Strandness delves into the profound humility of the Christmas story, exploring how the birth of Christ in a manger challenges our expectations of divinity and invites us to encounter God in an entirely new way
#235 The New Testament in its World with special guest and co-author Mike Bird (Classic)
Today’s episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom’s, Mike Bird. Together, they delve into their groundbreaking collaborative work, “The New Testament in its World: An introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians” which both combines and unpacks years of Tom’s major study into this seminal volume.
Is the Old Testament Story of Israel Historically Reliable?
Verifying every fact in the OT using archaeological evidence is not possible, but there is good justification for certain key aspects of ancient Israel’s story
What is truth, and what happens if society rejects that it even exists?
What is truth, and what happens if society rejects that it even exists? Two recent Premier Unbelievable debates highlight the difference between a Christian and a relativist worldview
Unapologetic: #115 Michael Lloyd: Culture wars, creativity and relativism
Could a decline in creativity and beauty be why the Church has become increasingly irrelevant and unlikeable? What are culture wars and how should we respond? Is relativism flawed and what is the alternative? Does human creativity point to God? Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, principal of Wycliffe Hall, shares his thoughts about culture, creativity and The New Renaissance Project.
Women in apologetics: From doubter to proclaimer
Although Kristen Davis grew up in church, profound doubts kept God from being real to her. Everything changed when she discovered apologetics and biblical archeology. Apologist Joel Furches shares her story
Unapologetic #114: Joe Boot: Resurrection, miracles and climate change
Is there any proof for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles a genuine possibility? How should we respond to global injustice and environmental breakdown? What practical ways can we use apologetics in everyday situations? We hear from Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.
Is atheism rational? How a physicalist atheist discovered Christianity
Mason Jones was convinced there was no phenomena that could not be explained apart from what’s physically observable. Here, researcher Jana Harmon described how Mason grew unsatisfied with the limitations of his atheism and discovered the rationality of a Christian worldview
Are The New Testament documents reliable?
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore how accurate this ancient writing really is
For better or worse: How has Christianity impacted the intellectual heritage of the West?
Apologist Joel Furches explores Christian history and its impact today
What part of our body could stretch all the way to Pluto?
Dr Ruth Bancewicz from the Faraday Institute shares some fascinating facts about DNA on DNA day
Is the Gospel of John anti-Jewish?
Lay minister Dr Peter Harris explores the truth of the recent claim made by Rev Michael Cohen that John’s Gospel is anti-Judaist
Unapologetic #97 Jay Y Kim: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Pastor Jay Y Kim explores how Holy Week brings hope. Why are we all so afraid of death? What difference does Easter make? Did the resurrection actually happen and why does it matter?
Are we all guilty of murder?
As we approach Easter, Marsh Moyle, author of Rumours of a Better Country, reflects on murder
12 things you (probably) didn’t know about Easter: Broken laws
Bob Lepine, author of 12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter, shares how 18 laws were broken to condemn Jesus to death on Good Friday
What do Kate Bush and Jesus have in common?
Author Drew Cordell looks at why Christianity is worth investigating
Why Christianity could trend in 2024
As we embark on a new year, author Drew Cordell reflects on the relevance of God in Western society
The CS Lewis Podcast #135 David Bates: What did Christmas mean to Lewis?
David Bates from Pints With Jack shares some of CS Lewis’ thoughts about Christmas. What are some of his key works that elucidate this topic? Did the festive period lose its significance when Lewis became an atheist? Plus, we catch up on how the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day went last month.
The CS Lewis Podcast #133 Alister McGrath: Was Lewis a prophet and does he speak to contemporary cultural issues?
Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson continue their discussion about whether CS Lewis is still relevant. Was he something of a prophet? What can we learn about the way Lewis engaged with modern media? How did he make complicated theological concepts relatable? In what ways has Lewis influenced our culture and is he able to speak to contemporary topical issues, such as transgenderism?