Are there contradictions in the Bible?

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Apologist Joel Furches explores one of the primary objections offered by Americans who exit the Christian faith

In 2008, Bible scholars Norm Geisler and Thomas Howe published their Big Book of Bible Difficulties, which claims to cover “over 800 questions that critics and doubters raise about the Bible”. While the 800 difficulties addressed include everything from unclear passages, apparent historical inconsistencies, scientific questions and morally puzzling material, a sizable portion are also related to contradictions – that is to say, parts of the Bible which say things that seem incompatible with other parts of the Bible.

Both Answering Christianity and OFC Berkeley count 101 contradictions in the Bible, ranging from an apparent two different creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis, to who it was that inspired David to take a census (Satan or God?), to how many angels are seen at Jesus’ tomb, and a great deal in between.

What is one to make, then, of all these apparent contradictions that occur in the biblical texts… (Register to read the rest of the article)

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