Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of Good Friday and Holy Saturday
Good Friday
What happened on Good Friday was the crucifixion of Jesus. And I guess we call it good because the source of our redemption comes through the brokenness of Jesus on the cross. So clearly, that’s a good thing to happen. But actually, when you read the Gospel narrative of what goes on there, it’s far from good in that sense - the horrors, the brokenness, the things he went through there.
Good Friday is there because it reminds us that Jesus’ sacrifice opens up that space that enables us to find eternal life with God, and to find redemption and to find the forgiveness of sins. So there is lots of good, even in the midst of the horror of that Friday.
There’s beauty in the cross, but the beauty in the cross comes from the emptiness of the cross. So, the cross symbolises… (Register to read the rest fo the article)
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