A re-broadcast of a classic debate that won a New York Radio Festivals Gold medal.
Peter Hearty is an atheist who says that Evolution alone explains the living world around us. Peter Williams, an Intelligent Design proponent claims that Evolution is a theory with serious problems that only an inference to design can explain. They debate, and we take calls from Christian and atheist listeners
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If evolution is true then physical death existed before the Fall - how do we reconcile that with scripture? How do we reconcile evolution with the concept of a first man and woman and original sin? Did the Fall also affect the rest of the universe?
2022-05-24T14:35:00Z By Peter S Williams
Philosopher Peter S Williams thinks both Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins overlooked a design inference, within the realm of evolutionary biology, which would go hand-in-hand with the argument from “fine-tuning” (which Dawkins himself described as “a good argument” for God during their debate).
Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute, and editor of ‘The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith’ argues that the Intelligent Design movement is gaining new converts and has never been stronger. Science historian Adam Shapiro, co-author of ‘Science and Religion: A very short introduction’ responds.
Premier Unbelievable? Podcast hosts a lively debate on God’s existence in Aylesbury, UK, featuring Sara Stevenson and atheist Ed Atkinson. They discuss morality, human values, and belief methods, examining whether there’s solid evidence for God.
Dive into the ultimate debate: Can science truly bring us closer to understanding God, or does it push us further away? Join Sam McKee with experts Paul Ewart & Phil Halper for a journey through the cosmos and beyond in our latest podcast episode
As the UK government announced the launch of a new Islamophobia council to define ‘anti-Muslim hatred/ Islamophobia’ on February 28th, the start of Ramadan, one thing is clear: This is a hot-button issue that raises serious questions about free speech, blasphemy laws, and the balance between protecting religious sensibilities and upholding open dialogue in a liberal society.
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