Medical scientist Peter Elwood OBE examines the evidence for the miracle at the heart of the Christmas story
The virgin birth is just one of many aspects of the uniqueness of Jesus. Everything about him was different. To consider his conception in isolation is therefore not altogether reasonable. On the other hand, because every aspect of his life was different, it would not be unreasonable to expect his origin to be unique as well. There is, however, evidence consistent with his birth to a virgin.
Luke the historian
At the beginning of his record, Luke claims that he had investigated everything to do with Jesus very carefully (Luke 1.1). Recent scholarship has confirmed that Luke is indeed a most careful historian.
He was a doctor and Mary would therefore have found it acceptable to be questioned by him about her conception and pregnancy. Luke also remarks that Mary’s memory was good and that she had kept these events in her mind… (Register to read the rest of the article)
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